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Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters
To purchase Greenwave dirty electricity filters, click HERE or on the image on the right. Follow these instructions to get to the right place:
Once on the Greenwave website, click on “View Filters”, then “US & Canada, Buy Filters”, then scroll down to the number of filters in the box below the price ($30) and click the “+” link to increase to the number of filters you need. Finally, click “Add to cart” to check out. The “Individual Filter” and “3-Prong” choices have already been checked, which is what you want. If you (or I) have already measured the dirty electricity levels in your home with a plug-in meter, you can disregard the “Bedroom Home Kits” because you/we already know how many filters you need.
Greenwave sells plug-in capacitor filters that reduce the presence of dirty electricity that emanate into your living space from circuits and plastic AC power cords plugged into outlets. Dirty electricity has two components, a magnetic field component and an electric field component. Both emanate into the room primarily from the hot wire within circuits in your walls, floor and ceiling. These fields also emanate from the hot wire within plastic-jacketed AC power cords plugged into outlets, such as for a lamp. Dirty electricity also emanates to a much smaller extent from the neutral and ground wires within circuits and plastic power cords. Read more in my Dirty Electricity article.
Greenwave states, “Greenwave filters and other dirty electricity filters that utilize capacitance technology should NOT be used in buildings being powered by a generator (for example during power outages). If you have a generator to provide electricity during power outages or at other times, make sure to UNPLUG your Greenwave filters while the generator is operating. You can plug them back in when power to the grid has been restored and the generator is no longer running.”
Also, the Stetzer company states the following: “Stetzerizer filters should not be used with a generator. The added capacitance from the filters tricks the voltage regulator of a generator into thinking it needs to output higher voltages. This can damage the filters, other electrical devices, and ultimately the generator itself. This shouldn’t be a great concern for a short duration (a monthly test/maintenance cycle, for example), but it would be best to remove filters from home outlets whenever there is a power outage of unknown duration.”
We define dirty electricity as the magnetic and electric field components from frequencies above the fundamental frequency of electricity coming into your home, which in North and South America is 60 cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz). (50 Hz elsewhere in the world.) Dirty electricity comes from such sources as dimmer light switches, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), many electronics, power tools, pool pump motors (all when on), and other devices in your own home and in neighbor’s homes.
The electric field component of dirty electricity emanates up to six feet or more into rooms primarily from the hot wires of circuits and plastic AC power cords. This is the same distance that electric fields emanate into rooms, especially bedrooms, from the fundamental frequency of AC electricity (60 Hz) in circuits and plugged-in cords near your bed. Read more about 60 Hz electric fields in bedrooms in my Electric Field article. The magnetic field component of dirty electricity, on the other hand, that radiates into rooms from circuits and plastic AC power cords is usually much less than the electric field component of dirty electricity.
The principle component of dirty electricity in your home is therefore the electric field from harmonic frequencies, much more so than the magnetic field component. That electric field component is primarily from hot wires in circuits and cords, with a much smaller contribution from neutrals and grounds.
The electric and magnetic field components of dirty electricity can be picked up in any room using an oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer either in a handheld unit or connected to a laptop (on battery). Most people, however, measure dirty electricity simply with a plug-in meter, sold by Greenwave (see bottom of the page) and by Stetzer Electric.
We generally recommend that you start by plugging two Greenwave filters into two outlets that are as close to the main breaker panel as possible. The main breaker panel is where electricity first comes into your house. One outlet would be powered by a circuit on one “leg” of the electricity coming into your home from the electric utility, and the other outlet would be powered by a circuit on the other “leg” of the electricity coming into your home. I know this is confusing.
Every residence in North America has two hot wires bringing 120 Volts of electricity into your house so that you can power certain appliances with 240 Volts of electricity. The main examples of such appliances are your electric oven, electric hot water heater, electric dryer, and air conditioner. All the rest of your circuits are connected to either “Leg A” or “Leg B” in your panel. Both provide 120 Volts of electricity at 60 Hz, but they are out of phase with each other in terms of the sine wave of their voltage.
The trick is to find an outlet as close to your main breaker panel as possible. Then, determine which breaker powers that outlet. Arbitrarily call that “Leg A”. Then, find another outlet nearby that is on another circuit, but that circuit must be on “Leg B”. That outlet also needs to be as close to the breaker panel as possible.
Breakers alternate which leg they are on, starting from the top, as you go down the panel. If you have two rows of breakers, each row of two breakers across from each other are on the same leg. Count A, B, A, B, and so on as you go down the rows of breakers on the panel. Be careful to account for mini-breakers, which are thin breakers that occupy the space of one regular breaker. See Wikipedia’s article on Distribution Board (also known as a breaker panel). We are talking about a “Split-phase electrical power” system in the paragraph on “Breaker arrangement”.
Once you have located two outlets close the panel but on opposite legs, then plug two Greenwave filters into the two outlets, one on each leg, for a total of four filters. If you hire an electrician to install outlets at the panel, ask him or her to give you two outlets, one on each leg. Then do the same as recommended above and insert two Greenwave filters into each outlet.
Whether you do this yourself or hire an electrician to install two outlets at the panel, doing this will block dirty electricity coming into your home from your neighbor’s houses as well as reduce the dirty electricity produced by devices in your own house.
If you need extra reduction of dirty electricity levels in certain rooms that you occupy, you can supplement the placing of filters near the breaker panel by plugging Greenwave dirty electricity filters into one or more outlets in rooms where you spend the most time during the daytime. If you are electrically sensitive, you will probably find that placing filters near the breaker panel before also plugging them in throughout the house will provide more comfort and reduction of your symptoms.
Bedrooms often do not need dirty electricity filters, provided you shut breakers off at night to reduce AC electric fields and you don’t spend much time in your bedroom other than to sleep. This is because the hot wires of circuits near the bed carry the vast majority of dirty electricity and it is the hot wire that is shut off when you flip off the breakers. You may also have an electrician install a remote EMF Sleep Safe Switch to reduce 60 Hz AC electric fields in bedrooms (see my Electric Fields article for more information).
We encourage clients to reduce dirty electricity levels as far below 100 Units as as possible when measured on the plug-in meter. I customarily measure anywhere between 200 to 2,000 Units in homes here in Los Angeles, as I also do in other areas where I travel. While the plug-in meters say you should ideally be below 50 Units, I am happy when I can get my client’s homes below 100 Units. Many clients want to keep their dimmer switches and other devices that unfortunately generate dirty electricity, so filters are usually necessary.
Remember, dirty electricity can also come in from neighboring houses, even if you have the cleanest house in the neighborhood. Dirty electricity can ride in on the power company’s incoming 60 Hz AC electricity from sources in neighboring homes.
To remedy this, you can have your electrician install two outlets in a metal box right next to the main breaker panel, with one outlet on one leg and the other outlet on the other leg. Then, plug two Greenwave filters into each outlet (four in all) to reduce incoming dirty electricity. You will still need more filters throughout the house. You can also consider a whole-house dirty electricity-reduction solution, such as the Satic Power Perfect Box, which needs to be installed by an electrician. When you order products from Satic, mention my name (Oram Miller) to receive a $100 discount and free shipping.
The dirty electricity reduction effect provided by each plugged-in Greenwave filter is most pronounced on the portion of the circuit closest to the filter. Thus, place them relatively close to where you sit or stand in the day and evening time. When you measure dirty electricity with your plug-in meter in the same outlet where you placed the filter, you will naturally see the greatest degree of reduction. The reduction effect tends to be less when you measure in more distant outlets farther from where the filter is located (though, sometimes all outlets around the room are now low). Thus, you sometimes need two filters in a room, not one. That’s why it is best to own your own plug-in meter so you can fine tune the placement of your filters and know precisely how many you will need to achieve the biggest reduction.
Each filter does emit a magnetic field around it, as do all capacitors. However, being a point source of magnetic field exposure, like transformers and electric motors, the strength of that magnetic field drops off exponentially as you move away from the source, which is the filter in this case. That means, the magnetic field around a Greenwave filter is strong close up but reduces within about one foot or so. You can verify this if you own a Gauss meter (that measures AC magnetic fields—if it is a single axis Gauss meter, such as in the Cornet EMF meter, you will need to orient your meter in all three axes to see which position provides the highest reading).
One last point. Capacitor dirty electric filters have a current draw, or load, of their own of between one-half and almost one Amp. That fact, along with the way in which filters reduce dirty electricity, means that they can increase magnetic fields in living space from wiring errors on the circuit in which you plug them into, if wiring errors are present. That means, while a filter reduces one type of EMF, namely dirty electricity, it can also increase a different type of EMF at the same time, that being, AC magnetic fields from wiring errors or current on grounding paths. (If the circuit has no wiring errors, then no matter what load you plug into it, it will not cause magnetic fields in the room because the loads on the hot and neutral wires are equal and balanced.)
We therefore recommend that you have a building biologist check for all EMFs in your home, not just dirty electricity, and have him or her oversee the repair of wiring errors by an electrician, if present. Find building biologists in the U.S. and Canada who specialize in identifying and mitigating Electromagnetic Fields by clicking here.
At the very least, hold your own Gauss meter one foot or so away from a light switch in the wall and see if magnetic fields increases when you turn on overhead lights. Also, turn on lamps and other plugged-in loads and see if magnetic field levels increase in those places where you sit, sleep and stand. If so, it is likely you have wiring errors. Contact a building biologist to help guide an electrician to trace and fix these errors before you place Greenwave or Stetzer capacitor filters throughout your house.
Greenwave Plug-in Dirty Electricity Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Meter
Greenwave also sells their own brand of plug-in Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Dirty Electricity Meter. Their meter shows two numbers. The first is the dirty electricity reading on the circuit. The second number changes when you plug in a Greenwave dirty electricity filter, showing the percentage of reduction.
To purchase a Greenwave plug-in meter, click HERE or on the image on the right. Then click on “View Meters”. Then click on “EMI (Dirty Electricity) Meter”. If you are only purchasing one meter, click, “Add to cart”.